
Dean's Office

A Message from the Dean’s Office



Dear Students and Families,


Welcome to Arvin High School! The Dean’s Office is committed to the safety and well-being of all students and members of the Arvin High School community.  Students, parents, teachers, and school officials are essential partners in helping to ensure that a safe and healthy environment is sustained for all learners. It is our expectation that students demonstrate P.R.I.D.E. and make decisions that reflect safety and respect towards themselves and others. Every member of the Arvin High School community has the right to an education that is free from harassment, bullying, or disruption. When this privilege is disrupted, the Dean’s Office will make every effort to sustain the learning environment for all students by following disciplinary policies implemented by the Kern High School District. 



For more information concerning these policies, as well as policies about bullying, and Equity and Non-Discrimination , please see the following links:




We look forward to partnering with you and your student.