Class of 2022 Graduation Speech SENIORS: If you're interested in competing for a spot to speak at graduation, attend the mandatory informational meeting.
AP/Honors Program for 2022-23 Current sophomores and juniors interested in AP/Honors Program next school year can apply now, until Feb. 22.
Semester 1 Honor Roll Celebration Join us for a drive thru celebration for all students that made Honor Roll and Principal's List for Semester 1.
Yearbook Portraits for ALL grade If you missed Picture Day, you have a chance to upload your own picture. Deadline is December 31.
COVID Testing for Student Athletes COVID testing is required for all boys and girls basketball and wrestling athletes, regardless of vaccination status.
Christmas Break Early Out Schedule We will be having an early out before Christmas Break. Find the schedule here.
Stomp Out Suicide Walk-A-Thon Join the AHS Esports Team and ACE CLub who will be hosting a Walk-A-Thon to sponsor a suicide prevention organization called SALT (Save A Life Today).